Amazing Journey
2017 Mission Program was an amazing journey of relationship building and serving together! We wrapped up our second week with a sweet time of worship and devotions this morning. Many volunteers shared the highlights from their week. Our teams installed 2 water systems in 2 village schools, treated ~160 children in dentistry and performed ~ 30 cleft surgeries! We were blessed to see many of our patients from past years return for reevaluation and many more who just came to say hello and pray for us! Please pray for all our patients as they travel back to their villages! They travel so far from home and leave their family for many days to come for surgery. The people of Guatemala hold a very special place in our hearts!
Thank you to all our U.S. and Guatemalan volunteers who made this year’s trips a success! May God bless each of you!
With great appreciation,
The Directors of STJI