Clinic Day 3
Dear Lord, we thank you and praise you as each day passes and we see all the wonders of your work. Breakfast devotion was sweet this morning. Gary shared a devotion of Romans 1:25 where the Lord’s word reveals that we need to be careful not to worship created things but rather our Creator. Here we are in the midst of beautiful nature and can get caught up in worshipping things He created, including the Dr’s and trams that will be serving the people. It was good to be reminded how humble we need to be. There was a lot of sweet and vulnerable sharing.
Today was the last day of clinic seeing actual patients. There is still a lot of work to do before the surgical team arrives. Stephen was off driving a woman and her husband to Guatemala City, 5 hours away, to get CT scan of her tumor before she has surgery next week. Patients are still being transported for lab tests, translators are translating and everyone is praying!
Jackie feels better but Dave is having his day of not feeling so great. Both were troopers and made it through the day. There were at least 4 patients today that were returning for cleft palates and other work. It was so heartwarming to see their smiling faces.
One little baby was so badly infected that surgery was not an option until her infections cleared up. She was bathed and given new clothes, prayed for, given medications and her parents were taught how to care for her. We asked her parents to bring her back during our next trip for the cleft lip repair.
It is amazing to see the patience and attentiveness of the parents and kids. The Lord brought each and everyone in that day for a reason. His timing is perfect, we know that.
So the day ended with the surgical schedule completely filled, along at least 10 other patients coming in for local anesthesia for more minor fixes. They will have a busy schedule next week! The praying, worship, and sharing has been so special and powerful. We praise God every day for his blessing!