Clinic Day 4
This morning we said goodbye to Lora, Jane, Ann and Ginny as they headed back to the city to fly home tomorrow. We were all sad to see them leave. This team was amazing! They worked so well together. We were so blessed to see so many of our former patients and their families again. The hospital staff warmly welcomed us back and offered to help in whatever we may need. We are so grateful for the close relationships that God has provided. It’s a beautiful thing to see people of different cultures working side-by-side to serve those in need. Gary and one of our Guatemalan translators, Lalo, built custom crates to protect and transport our anesthesia machine and suction equipment. More importantly, they built a great friendship in the process.
We had a wonderful surprise today! Gloria, her Mother and cousin Anna came to see us at the hospital this morning. Gloria is the beautiful teenage girl who’s cleft lip was repaired by our team last year. Her story is featured in the video “Gloria’s Story” on our website. She was smiling and much less self conscious since her surgery. She is due to have her cleft palate repaired this year. Please pray that we can complete her surgery this year. Since our last surgical mission, her cousin Anna who translates for Gloria, has gotten married and is expecting her first child any day now. Please pray for a safe delivery and a healthy baby. Anna has a congenital hip deformity that makes walking painful especially carrying the extra weight on her joints during pregnancy.
The remainder of our team, accompanied by our Guatemalan friends, set up the entire operating room, pre-op and post-op units in record time! It’s like setting up a MASH unit. We literally bring everything but the kitchen sink. The sound of laughter and an occasional voice singing praise made it a very special day.
Dave even had aspirations of doing some landscaping with a machete! But we thought he should save his gifting for the O.R..
Please keep the surgical team in prayer as they are flying in from all over the U.S. tomorrow!
We are so grateful for God’s great provision as we see His hand at work throughout each day and in each encounter.